Winter 2023 (part 4) Back in the water

Saturday morning, March 18, is the day. We drive with lovely weather to Lemmer and ask the harbor master to hoist Linde in the slings. That way the spots on the derrick are released where Linde has had contact with the supports. Here we have not yet been able to do antifouling and as soon as she hangs nicely we can apply 1 layer.

Then there is nothing else to do but wait in the sun until the first layer has dried a bit so that the second layer can be applied.

A 10-minute job, and Carla has the honor of doing the last action on the underwater hull. Then we are obliged to wait in the sun again. We help the harbor master in the harbor. He reconnects the water hoses to the jetties. After we are done with this, it is time for Linde to hit the water with a new bottom.

We are floating again

Now that she is in the water, I can really see what the hull is shining. It also looks much darker and the weird damages and repairs are no longer visible. I would almost think that in 2 years we won't have to paint the hull at all. Maybe a bit premature, we'll see how she holds up this year.
When she is completely in the water, we step aboard. I check all the valves to make sure there is no leakage and when I agree the slings go out from under Linde. She is in the water again.
Before we start the engine we first fill the weed pot with water and the supply hose as far as possible. Then when we start the engine, water is immediately available and the impeller is able to suck up water afterwards.
We start the engine and cast off the lines. Shall we sail for an hour? No way. Meanwhile, clouds begin to gather and rain seems to be coming. We also don't want to be home very late because we still have some things to do in the evening. I calmly sail to our own box and notice that I am a bit nervous. After several years of sailing with Casper and last year with Linde, this seems like a first time again. This confirms to me that Linde does not react as automatically as Casper did. Lots of sailing in 2023, then I am used to it.

New work

After we are in the box we review what we want to do this weekend. We decide to come back tomorrow.
Sunday we drive to Lemmer again, and unfortunately the weather is not as nice as the day before. We came to Linde with the cart behind the car. We still had reasonably good thick mattresses at home which we want to swap with Linde's old mattresses in the aft cabin. We will have to plan what we will do this day. There may be occasional showers and we really want to get some work done anyway. We have the following list ticked off:

  • Cleaning out crates
  • Washing and scrubbing the crates
  • Cleaning and scrubbing aft deck
  • Cleaning the cockpit
  • Remove old spray hood
  • Exchange mattresses
  • Installing a new spray hood

We come out nicely as far as the weather is concerned and the mattresses ended up dry from the cart into the boat. When we are satisfied that the cart is full again with old lines, old mattresses, old spinnaker, old fenders and handyman's tools, we sit in the boat together for a while. Just enjoying Linde with a cup of coffee. We make a list "work 2023" because yes.... The boat is never finished.
And yet we stop doing chores for a while and enjoy the tea and coffee. Wonderful those sounds, that peace in the boat.
I can't wait to go again next weekend and start "work 2023" with fresh energy.

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