When we finished testing the little boat, it was time for the next action. Renaming my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's boat. They have had their boat for several years and pretty soon they removed the old name from the boat. On...More
Last week(gas hose weekend) we bought a new dinghy with electric outboard motor. We had a very nice dinghy, only we only had it inflated for 3 we...More
Sunday I take a car with 4 girls to the boat. On the boat I explain again what is and is not the intention. Cooking food, yes, playing games, yes, boys on the boat, NO! After we have seriously discussed the most important things f...More
And then, after a wet cold March and April, it is King's Day in the Netherlands with good weather after all. Finally we go to the boat again and enjoy the weather, the boat and each other. The weekend befo...More
Saturday morning, March 18, is the day. We drive with lovely weather to Lemmer and ask the harbor master to hoist Linde in the slings. That way the spots on the derrick are released where Linde has had contact with the supports. H...More
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